Boreatton does the Jamboree On The Trail Saturday 9th May 2015

In the Footsteps of Caractacus-Last king of the Britons

Jamboree On The Trail is an annual day for the World Scout Movement to hike together. All Scouts, whatever their age and wherever they may be in the world, are invited to participate in whatever way they can. Beaver Scouts could visit a local park, walking the trails and playing games. Cub Scouts could visit a local nature trail as part of a weekend camp. A Scout Troop might check out a hiking trail while working on badge requirements. An Explorer Unit might make a Service Project out of restoring or maintaining a hiking trail. In their own way, everyone will be hiking the same direction; towards a better future through Scouting.

Boreatton Scouts are taking up the JOTT challenge and on Saturday 9th May the Troop are trekking along the sharp ridge line of The Lawley and Caer Caradoc, final stronghold of Caractacus, last king of the Britons. We aim to find his secret cave on a rolling ramble of nearly 7 miles. We start at the northern end of The Lawley at 10am and finish still free from Roman oppression but possibly a little tired, in the Lions Meadow car park, opposite the Church Stretton Co-op.

Uniform JOTT 18 badges free to all participants and of course a Hike Away badge too.
Sorry Archery team, we've got other stuff to do....
Bring this form on Friday and give it to Pete Lambert.
